12link, one of a kind security tools that finally solve the password problem

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Hacking Is The Most Feared Nightmare


of Americans are afraid they'll be hacked. While just 18% are afraid of being murdered.


of respondents consider forgetting passwords the most frustrating aspect of account security.


of passwords are vulnerable to attack with more than 800,000 people being hacked per year. While password attacks account for more than 81% of data breaches.

Web3 Users Are At The Highest Risk


of all Bitcoin lost due to forgotten seed phrases.


of crypto investors worry about what will happen to their assets after they die.

Known problems within cryptospace
by CZ (Binance CEO & Founder)

“the wallet problem is the biggest blocker for DeFi mass adoption”

“eventually we die... how do you give that to your kids?”

“most people cannot store their private keys securely”

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